Wednesday, November 4, 2009

course catalog

The course catalog i created reflects the mission of BCC because it is open to the imagination. The two silhouettes were made to be ambiguous because all students are different individuals and this best represents everyone. I used the rule of thirds first by not placing any thing important in the center. The tagline runs from the top left down to the bottom left. "Course catalog" is above the bottom third but not too far to preserve the rule of thirds. Lastly the two silhouettes are in the upper third of the design. To begin the viewing the eye starts at the two figures at the top. The silhouettes are the emphasis because it is a decent size form of straight black. It has a tremendous amount of visual weight. Then the eye flows down the leg that is hanging to the "course catalog." The picture i took has a little bit of repetition in itself with the cubes that the people are sitting on. I used alignment by starting the tagline at the same height as the person's head, who is on the right side. It also runs parallel with the close up of the cube. Lastly color was one of the biggest parts of this design. The main two colors used are more provocative than standard colors. Purple and orange are two colors you do not see everyday, especially for a college catalog. The colors are what will attract the eye because they are too interesting to dismiss. I feel this design is successful but maybe too edgy for the people who decide the new course catalog cover.

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